Passion HD Trial
$1.00 for 1 days
*Save 67% on one month $9.95
In this modern age, humanity is driven by beauty that comes from the outside. We judge things based on how we see them from the outside and not give much of a fuck on what’s on the inside. The worst part, we don’t really care how things are bound to end so long as we know we get something through the short or long lived span of the run. Anyhow, it’s nice to know that there are still things that can disprove the dismal contentions against life. In the world of porn or to put it nicely, the adult industry, one of the greatest names today would be none other than Passion HD.
Going by all of the several porn sites I’ve been through as a subscriber before, there’s nothing quite like Passion HD. If there ever was a Red Rising by Pierce Brown equivalent to the porn industry, it would be none other than this masterpiece. It’s so saturated to the point that you don’t really know if it’s missing out anything really, and that you should probably just leave it as is because you wouldn’t want in any way to compromise its literary genius. Then again, PassionHD exudes with a full brim of fervor and joy that you would think sex is the only remedy to any of the world’s problem, especially when you are feeling so down and lonely ’cause you don’t have any vials of hemlock or a girlfriend to be with.
Passion HD has been in the industry for quite some time now and I must say they have really improved heaps more over the past few months that they have been on the sluggish side. Originally having only 200 videos, the site now offers over 400 plus high quality or should I say high definition, videos. Most of the materials would run at 15 minutes each and at first it is normal to find yourself using only one hand to chat with your friends because you are already masturbating to its seemingly real videos that come off quite vivid and vicariously enamoring.
There are still a couple aspects that need improvement, though. Like for instance the advanced search setting should have more functionality. Otherwise, in total receives a 9.5 over 10 for me because of its overall user functionality and ease of access. So, is your $39 worth the spend for this player in the arena? Indeed, yes!.